Eminent Domain and Condemnations
Eminent domain is the power of the government to condemn private property for a public purpose. The condemning authority has the constitutional obligation to pay just and adequate compensation for the value of the property interests taken. However, a property owner may not agree that the condemnation is for a legitimate public purpose or that the compensation offered is just or adequate.
Our attorneys have substantial experience and credibility in negotiating with condemning authorities in Georgia and in trying those cases that cannot be settled.
If you received a Notice of Condemnation, it is important that you know your rights. Please contact us to discuss your case.
Lowe & Schoolar, P.C. is located in downtown Savannah, Georgia, and serves clients throughout southeast Georgia, including Chatham County, Effingham County, Bryan County, Bulloch County, Liberty County, McIntosh County and Glynn County.
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